How access user from within an iFrame (wrapper) ?? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello all,

i new joomla, , seems i've gotten stuck trying access username of person logged in...

as have understood it, should possible use jfactory class retrieve username etc... seems work within joomla framework, , not in wrapper page. have tried including things index.php file, , @ least gotten rid of error messages, nothing. how hold of username? running version 1.5. page has code:

code: select all


define( '_jexec', 1 );
define('jpath_base', dirname(__file__) );
define( 'ds', directory_separator );
require_once ( jpath_base .ds.'includes'.ds.'defines.php' );
require_once ( jpath_base .ds.'includes'.ds.'framework.php' );


$user =& jfactory::getuser();

echo ("username: ".$user->username);
echo ("name: ".$user->name);


grateful help!



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