Xampp Directory Protection - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello there, new joomla, first post! i've been following tutorials (i read joomla dummies hehe) , set simple demo website. i'm done figuring out i'm worried security issues tutorials either don't cover or cover differently. after following many different suggestions , screwing around lot of files no longer able connect database (but seems that's fixed now).

yet i'm still worried security , last thing i'm trying work simple xampp directory protection (.htaccess) section under http://localhost/security/xamppsecurity.php work. says it's successful after enter in user name , password, under http://localhost/security/ says "these xampp pages accessible network everyone" still unsecure. missing? why won't become green "secure"?

umm, i'm sure someone's going ask post information i'm using:

windows vista
apachefriends xampp version 1.7.1
joomla version 1.5.14

firstly... xampp wamp or other desktop hosting "simulator" should used testing purposes. therefore don't need worry security.

once move site commercial hosting provider, should provide adequate base security. surely not considering hosting site vista pc?


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