IE can't open my website when connecting in front - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hy everybody

i've problem dev in j 1.5, internet explorer (7 test) (strange no???)
i've developped componant , modules there countdown in javascript.

- when go in main page , modules published, not connected = that's right
- when try connect, ie send me e massage "ie can't open website, operation done..." , drive me 404 page error.
- if unpublish modules = connection in main page.
- if i'm try connect in other page, modules published = connection well
- if i'm connected in other page , want go main page, error message back

it's in main page problem come , in ie, , when i'm connected or when trying connected !!!

i suppose there conflict script , ie , in main page, don't find solution, there can explain me problem in main page ??

the javascript code in module (i dont know if it's make problem, but.....):

<label id="modcompte_<?php echo $selectchoice."_".$format."_".$auction->id; ?>" class="litletime"></label>

<script type="text/javascript">

function modrebour_<?php echo $selectchoice."_".$format."_".$auction->id; ?>() {
var affiche=document.getelementbyid("modcompte_<?php echo $selectchoice."_".$format."_".$auction->id; ?>");
var test = document.getelementbyid("modafflbl").value;

var date1 = new date (test);

var date2 = new date ("<?php echo $c2; ?>");
var sec = (date2 - date1) / 1000;
var n = 24 * 3600;
if (sec > 0) {
j = math.floor (sec / n);
h = math.floor ((sec - (j * n)) / 3600);
mn = math.floor ((sec - ((j * n + h * 3600))) / 60);
sec = math.floor (sec - ((j * n + h * 3600 + mn * 60)));
affiche.innerhtml = '' + j +' <?php echo jtext::_( 'j'); ?> '+ h +' <?php echo jtext::_( 'h'); ?> '+ mn +' <?php echo jtext::_( 'm'); ?> '+ sec + ' <?php echo jtext::_( 's'); ?> ';

else {
affiche.innerhtml = "<?php echo jtext::_( 'auction closed'); ?>";

trebour_<?php echo $selectchoice."_".$format."_".$auction->id; ?>=settimeout ("modrebour_<?php echo $selectchoice."_".$format."_".$auction->id; ?>();", 1000);
modrebour_<?php echo $selectchoice."_".$format."_".$auction->id; ?>();




do mean operation aborted message?



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