how do i pass a variable in flex

i've been looking on google how pass variable yet

i've come empty handed

i have c code , as3


i've never been able c program compile on own, tutorial im trying understand raycasting

from can gather think variables passed threw this


as3_val loop( void* self, as3_val args )
    int opos,j,i,jpos;
    for(j=0; j < resy; j++ ){
        jpos = resx*j;
        for(i=0; < resx; i++ ){
            opos = (jpos+i);
            tbuffer[opos] = buffer[i][j];
        }//end of for
    }//end of
    return 0;
}//end of loop

however not 1 of values inside of as3_arrayvalue found on

this function comunicates c code, wrong
        private function enterframe(event:event):void {


the reason want this, other know how, because useful above else, i've written as3 comunicates php

to array of images  topdown game, , wouldn't know how load these variables c http request if can flash tell c every thing worked out











heres both codes in full

*alchemy ray caster
*april 6, 2010
*bruce jawn
*copyright (c) <2010> <bruce jawn>
*this software released under mit license
package {


//    import cmodule.ray_caster._worldmap;
//    import cmodule.ray_caster._worldmap;
    import cmodule.ray_caster.clibinit;
//    import cmodule.ray_caster.textfieldi;
    import flash.display.*;
    import flash.text.*;
    import flash.geom.*;
    import flash.text.engine.textblock;
    import flash.text.engine.textline;
    import flash.text.textfield;
    import flash.utils.*;
    import flash.ui.*;


    [swf(width="840", height="880")]
    public class main extends sprite {


        public static var barrelclass:class;


        public static var bluestoneclass:class;


        public static var colorstoneclass:class;


        public static var eagleclass:class;


        public static var greenlightclass:class;


        public static var greystoneclass:class;


        public static var mossyclass:class;


        public static var pillarclass:class;


        public static var purplestoneclass:class;


        public static var redbrickclass:class;


        public static var woodclass:class;


        //array hold textures
        private var texs:array=[];
        private var worldmap:array = [];
        //private var worldmap[1]:array=[];
        private static const screen_width:int=640;
        private static const screen_height:int=480;
        private var screenbitmapdata:bitmapdata;
        private var screenbitmap:bitmap;


        private var alchemymemory:bytearray;
        private var alcrclib:object;
        private var clibinit:clibinit;
        private var alcscreenbufferpointer:uint;
        private var alctexpointer:uint;


        private var upkey:int=0;
        private var downkey:int=0;
        private var leftkey:int=0;
        private var rightkey:int=0;
        private var a:flash.text.textfield;
        public function main() {
            stage.fullscreensourcerect=new rectangle(0,0,screen_width,screen_height);
            }//end of function main


        private function init():void {
        }//end of function init


        private function initbitmaps():void {
            texs.push(preparebitmapdata(new eagleclass().bitmapdata  ));
            texs.push(preparebitmapdata(new redbrickclass().bitmapdata  ));
            texs.push(preparebitmapdata(new purplestoneclass().bitmapdata  ));
            texs.push(preparebitmapdata(new greystoneclass().bitmapdata  ));
            texs.push(preparebitmapdata(new bluestoneclass().bitmapdata  ));
            texs.push(preparebitmapdata(new mossyclass().bitmapdata  ));
            texs.push(preparebitmapdata(new woodclass().bitmapdata  ));
            texs.push(preparebitmapdata(new colorstoneclass().bitmapdata  ));
            texs.push(preparebitmapdata(new barrelclass().bitmapdata  ));
            texs.push(preparebitmapdata(new pillarclass().bitmapdata  ));
            texs.push(preparebitmapdata(new greenlightclass().bitmapdata  ));


            screenbitmapdata=new bitmapdata(screen_width,screen_height,false,0);
            screenbitmap=new bitmap(screenbitmapdata);
            worldmap[1] = (1,2,3,4);
            worldmap[2] = (1,2,3,4);
            worldmap[3] = (1,2,3,4);
            worldmap[4] = (1,2,3,4);
            worldmap[5] = (1,2,3,4);
            worldmap[6] = (1,2,3,4);
            worldmap[7] = (1,2,3,4);
            }//end of function initbitmaps


        //prepare bitmap once take account lower-endianess of alchemy code.
        private function preparebitmapdata(sourcemap:bitmapdata):bitmapdata {
            var outbitmapdata:bitmapdata=sourcemap.clone();
            outbitmapdata=new bitmapdata(outbitmapdata.width,outbitmapdata.height,true,0xff000000);
            outbitmapdata.copychannel(sourcemap,outbitmapdata.rect,outbitmapdata.rect.topleft,bitmapd atachannel.alpha,;
            return outbitmapdata;
        }//end of function preparebitmapdata


        private function initalchemy():void {
            clibinit=new clibinit  ;


            //retrieve "alchemy memory".
            var ns:namespace=new namespace("cmodule.ray_caster");


            //allocate buffers in alchemy.
            alcscreenbufferpointer=alcrclib.initializescreenbuffer(screen_width,screen_height);//setu p screenbuffer of size x,y;


            //copy textures alchemy memory.
            (var i:int=0; i<11; i++) {
                var ba:bytearray=texs[i].getpixels(texs[i].rect);
            }//end of for
        }//end of function initalchemy


        private function initrendering():void {
        }//end of function initrendering


        private function enterframe(event:event):void {
            }//end of function enterframe


        private function key_pressed(e:keyboardevent):void {
            switch (e.keycode) {
                case keyboard.up :
                case keyboard.down :
                case keyboard.left :
                case keyboard.right :
            }//end of switch
            }//end of function key_pressed


        private function key_released(e:keyboardevent):void {
            switch (e.keycode) {
                case keyboard.up :
                case keyboard.down :
                case keyboard.left :
                case keyboard.right :
                    }//end of switch
            }//end of function key_released


            }//end of class
}//end of package






//raycasting engine lode's computer graphics tutorial
//modified alchemy bruce jawn
#include "as3.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
enum bool {false=0,true=!false};


#define screenwidth 1640
#define screenheight 1480
#define texwidth 64
#define texheight 64
#define mapwidth 24
#define mapheight 24


//1d screen buffer
int* tbuffer;
int resx = 0;
int resy = 0;
//2d screen buffer
int buffer[screenwidth][screenheight];
//1d zbuffer
double zbuffer[screenwidth];
int texture[11][texwidth*texheight];


#define numsprites 19
//arrays used sort sprites
int spriteorder[numsprites];
double spritedistance[numsprites];


struct ssprite
  double x;
  double y;
  int texture;


struct ssprite sprite[numsprites]=
  //green light in front of playerstart
  {20.5, 11.5, 10},
  //green lights in every room
  {18.5,4.5, 10},
  {10.0,4.5, 10},
  {3.5, 6.5, 10},
  {3.5, 20.5,10},
  {3.5, 14.5,10},
  //row of pillars in front of wall: fisheye test
  {18.5, 10.5, 9},
  {18.5, 11.5, 9},
  {18.5, 12.5, 9},
  //some barrels around map
  {21.5, 1.5, 8},
  {15.5, 1.5, 8},
  {16.0, 1.8, 8},
  {16.2, 1.2, 8},
  {3.5,  2.5, 8},
  {9.5, 15.5, 8},
  {10.0, 15.1,8},
  {10.5, 15.8,8},
int worldmap[mapwidth][mapheight] =


double posx = 22.0, posy = 11.5; //x , y start position
double dirx = -1.0, diry = 0.0; //initial direction vector
double planex = 0.0, planey = 0.66; //the 2d raycaster version of camera plane
int k_left=0;
int k_right=0;
int k_up=0;
int k_down=0;
//speed modifiers
double movespeed =  .30; //the constant value in squares/second
double rotspeed =   .20; //the constant value in radians/second
as3_val initializescreenbuffer(void* self, as3_val args)
    as3_arrayvalue(args, "inttype, inttype", &resx, &resy);
    tbuffer = malloc( resx * resy * sizeof(int) );
    return as3_ptr( tbuffer );
}//end of initializescreenbuffer


//used load textures & sprite textures
as3_val initializetexbuffer(void* self, as3_val args)
    int index;
    as3_arrayvalue(args, "inttype", &index);
    return as3_ptr( texture[index] );
}//end of initializetexbuffer


//start main loop
as3_val loop( void* self, as3_val args )
    int opos,j,i,jpos;
    for(j=0; j < resy; j++ ){
        jpos = resx*j;
        for(i=0; < resx; i++ ){
            opos = (jpos+i);
            tbuffer[opos] = buffer[i][j];
        }//end of for
    }//end of
    return 0;
}//end of loop

int main()
    as3_val initializescreenbuffermethod = as3_function( null,initializescreenbuffer );
    as3_val loopmethod = as3_function( null,loop );
    as3_val initializetexbuffermethod = as3_function( null,initializetexbuffer );
    as3_val result = as3_object("initializescreenbuffer:as3valtype,loop:as3valtype,initializetexbuffer:as3valt ype"
    as3_release( initializescreenbuffermethod );
    as3_release( loopmethod );
    as3_release( initializetexbuffermethod );
    as3_libinit( result );
    return 0;
}//end of main
void castray()
    printf ("hello world!\n");
    int x;
    int y;
    int w=screenwidth;
    int h=screenheight;
    for( x = 0; x < screenwidth; x++) for( y = 0; y < screenheight; y++) {buffer[x][y] = 0;} //clear buffer instead of cls()
    for(x = 0; x < w; x++)
      //calculate ray position , direction
      double camerax = 2 * x / (double)(w) - 1; //x-coordinate in camera space    
      double rayposx = posx;
      double rayposy = posy;
      double raydirx = dirx + planex * camerax;
      double raydiry = diry + planey * camerax;
      //which box of map we're in 
      int mapx = (int)(rayposx);
      int mapy = (int)(rayposy);
      //length of ray current position next x or y-side
      double sidedistx;
      double sidedisty;
      //length of ray 1 x or y-side next x or y-side
      double deltadistx = sqrt(1 + (raydiry * raydiry) / (raydirx * raydirx));
      double deltadisty = sqrt(1 + (raydirx * raydirx) / (raydiry * raydiry));
      double perpwalldist;
      //what direction step in x or y-direction (either +1 or -1)
      int stepx;
      int stepy;
      int hit = 0; //was there wall hit?
      int side; //was ns or ew wall hit?


      //calculate step , initial sidedist
      if (raydirx < 0)
        stepx = -1;
        sidedistx = (rayposx - mapx) * deltadistx;
      }//end of if (raydirx < 0)
        stepx = 1;
        sidedistx = (mapx + 1.0 - rayposx) * deltadistx;
      }//end of else
      if (raydiry < 0)
        stepy = -1;
        sidedisty = (rayposy - mapy) * deltadisty;
      }//end of if (raydiry < 0)
        stepy = 1;
        sidedisty = (mapy + 1.0 - rayposy) * deltadisty;
      }//end of else
      //perform dda
      while (hit == 0)
        //jump next map square, or in x-direction, or in y-direction
        if (sidedistx < sidedisty)
          sidedistx += deltadistx;
          mapx += stepx;
          side = 0;
        }//end of if (sidedistx < sidedisty)
          sidedisty += deltadisty;
          mapy += stepy;
          side = 1;
        }//end of else
        //check if ray has hit wall      
        if (worldmap[mapx][mapy] > 0) hit = 1;
      }//end of while (hit == 0)
      //calculate distance of perpendicular ray (oblique distance give fisheye effect!)   
      if (side == 0) perpwalldist = fabs((mapx - rayposx + (1 - stepx) / 2) / raydirx);
      else       perpwalldist = fabs((mapy - rayposy + (1 - stepy) / 2) / raydiry);
      //calculate height of line draw on screen      
      int lineheight = abs((int)(h / perpwalldist));
      //calculate lowest , highest pixel fill in current stripe
      int drawstart = -lineheight / 2 + h / 2;
      if(drawstart < 0) drawstart = 0;
      int drawend = lineheight / 2 + h / 2;
      if(drawend >= h) drawend = h - 1;
      //texturing calculations
      int texnum = worldmap[mapx][mapy] - 1; //1 subtracted texture 0 can used!
      //calculate value of wallx
      double wallx; //where wall hit
      if (side == 1) wallx = rayposx + ((mapy - rayposy + (1 - stepy) / 2) / raydiry) * raydirx;
      else       wallx = rayposy + ((mapx - rayposx + (1 - stepx) / 2) / raydirx) * raydiry;
      wallx -= floor((wallx));
      //x coordinate on texture
      int texx = (int)(wallx * (double)(texwidth));
      if(side == 0 && raydirx > 0) texx = texwidth - texx - 1;
      if(side == 1 && raydiry < 0) texx = texwidth - texx - 1;
      int y;
      for(y = drawstart; y < drawend; y++)
        int d = y * 256 - h * 128 + lineheight * 128; //256 , 128 factors avoid floats
        int texy = ((d * texheight) / lineheight) / 256;
        int color = texture[texnum][texwidth * texy + texx];
        //make color darker y-sides: r, g , b byte each divided through 2 "shift" , "and"
        if(side == 1) color = (color >> 1) & 8355711;
        buffer[x][y] = color;
      }//end of for(y = drawstart; y < drawend; y++)
      //set zbuffer sprite casting
      zbuffer[x] = perpwalldist; //perpendicular distance used
      //floor casting
      double floorxwall, floorywall; //x, y position of floor texel @ bottom of wall


      //4 different wall directions possible
      if(side == 0 && raydirx > 0)
        floorxwall = mapx;
        floorywall = mapy + wallx;
      }//end of if(side == 0 && raydirx > 0)
      else if(side == 0 && raydirx < 0)
        floorxwall = mapx + 1.0;
        floorywall = mapy + wallx;
      }//end of else if(side == 0 && raydirx < 0)
      else if(side == 1 && raydiry > 0)
        floorxwall = mapx + wallx;
        floorywall = mapy;
      }//end of else if(side == 1 && raydiry > 0)
        floorxwall = mapx + wallx;
        floorywall = mapy + 1.0;
      }//end of else
      double distwall, distplayer, currentdist;


      distwall = perpwalldist;
      distplayer = 0.0;
      if (drawend < 0) drawend = h; //becomes < 0 when integer overflows
      //draw floor drawend bottom of screen
      for(y = drawend + 1; y < h; y++)
        currentdist = h / (2.0 * y - h); //you make small lookup table instead


        double weight = (currentdist - distplayer) / (distwall - distplayer);
        double currentfloorx = weight * floorxwall + (1.0 - weight) * posx;
        double currentfloory = weight * floorywall + (1.0 - weight) * posy;
        int floortexx, floortexy;
        floortexx = (int)(currentfloorx * texwidth) % texwidth;
        floortexy = (int)(currentfloory * texheight) % texheight;
        buffer[x][y] = (texture[3][texwidth * floortexy + floortexx] >> 1) & 8355711;
        //ceiling (symmetrical!)
        buffer[x][h - y] = texture[6][texwidth * floortexy + floortexx];
      }//end of for(y = drawend + 1; y < h; y++)
    }//end of for(x = 0; x < w; x++)
    //sprite casting
    //sort sprites far close
    int i;
    for(i = 0; < numsprites; i++)
      spriteorder[i] = i;
      spritedistance[i] = ((posx - sprite[i].x) * (posx - sprite[i].x) + (posy - sprite[i].y) * (posy - sprite[i].y)); //sqrt not taken, unneeded
    }//end of for(i = 0; < numsprites; i++)
    combsort(spriteorder, spritedistance, numsprites);
    //after sorting sprites, projection , draw them
    for(i = 0; < numsprites; i++)
      //translate sprite position relative camera
      double spritex = sprite[spriteorder[i]].x - posx;
      double spritey = sprite[spriteorder[i]].y - posy;
      //transform sprite inverse camera matrix
      // [ planex   dirx ] -1                                       [ diry      -dirx ]
      // [               ]       =  1/(planex*diry-dirx*planey) *   [                 ]
      // [ planey   diry ]                                          [ -planey  planex ]
      double invdet = 1.0 / (planex * diry - dirx * planey); //required correct matrix multiplication
      double transformx = invdet * (diry * spritex - dirx * spritey);
      double transformy = invdet * (-planey * spritex + planex * spritey); //this depth inside screen, z in 3d      
      int spritescreenx = (int)((w / 2) * (1 + transformx / transformy));
      //parameters scaling , moving sprites
      #define udiv 1
      #define vdiv 1
      #define vmove 0.0
      int vmovescreen = (int)(vmove / transformy);
      //calculate height of sprite on screen
      int spriteheight = abs((int)(h / (transformy))) / vdiv; //using "transformy" instead of real distance prevents fisheye
      //calculate lowest , highest pixel fill in current stripe
      int drawstarty = -spriteheight / 2 + h / 2 + vmovescreen;
      if(drawstarty < 0) drawstarty = 0;
      int drawendy = spriteheight / 2 + h / 2 + vmovescreen;
      if(drawendy >= h) drawendy = h - 1;
      //calculate width of sprite
      int spritewidth = abs( (int) (h / (transformy))) / udiv;
      int drawstartx = -spritewidth / 2 + spritescreenx;
      if(drawstartx < 0) drawstartx = 0;
      int drawendx = spritewidth / 2 + spritescreenx;
      if(drawendx >= w) drawendx = w - 1;
      //loop through every vertical stripe of sprite on screen
      int stripe;
      for(stripe = drawstartx; stripe < drawendx; stripe++)
        int texx = (int)(256 * (stripe - (-spritewidth / 2 + spritescreenx)) * texwidth / spritewidth) / 256;
        //the conditions in if are:
        //1) it's in front of camera plane don't see things behind you
        //2) it's on screen (left)
        //3) it's on screen (right)
        //4) zbuffer, perpendicular distance
        int y;
        if(transformy > 0 && stripe > 0 && stripe < w && transformy < zbuffer[stripe])
        for(y = drawstarty; y < drawendy; y++) //for every pixel of current stripe
          int d = (y-vmovescreen) * 256 - h * 128 + spriteheight * 128; //256 , 128 factors avoid floats
          int texy = ((d * texheight) / spriteheight) / 256;
          unsigned int color = texture[sprite[spriteorder[i]].texture][texwidth * texy + texx]; //get current color texture//??????????????????
          if((color & 0x00ffffff) != 0) buffer[stripe][y] = color; //paint pixel if isn't black, black invisible color
        }//end of for(y = drawstarty; y < drawendy; y++)
      }//end of for(stripe = drawstartx; stripe < drawendx; stripe++)
    }//end of for(i = 0; < numsprites; i++)
    //move forward if no wall in front of you
    if (k_up)
      if(worldmap[(int)(posx + dirx * movespeed)][(int)(posy)] == false) posx += dirx * movespeed;
      if(worldmap[(int)(posx)][(int)(posy + diry * movespeed)] == false) posy += diry * movespeed;
    }//end of if (k_up)
    //move backwards if no wall behind you
    if (k_down)
      if(worldmap[(int)(posx - dirx * movespeed)][(int)(posy)] == false) posx -= dirx * movespeed;
      if(worldmap[(int)(posx)][(int)(posy - diry * movespeed)] == false) posy -= diry * movespeed;
    }//end of if (k_down)
    //rotate right
    if (k_right)
      //both camera direction , camera plane must rotated
      double olddirx = dirx;
      dirx = dirx * cos(-rotspeed) - diry * sin(-rotspeed);
      diry = olddirx * sin(-rotspeed) + diry * cos(-rotspeed);
      double oldplanex = planex;
      planex = planex * cos(-rotspeed) - planey * sin(-rotspeed);
      planey = oldplanex * sin(-rotspeed) + planey * cos(-rotspeed);
    }//end of if (k_right)
    //rotate left
    if (k_left)
      //both camera direction , camera plane must rotated
      double olddirx = dirx;
      dirx = dirx * cos(rotspeed) - diry * sin(rotspeed);
      diry = olddirx * sin(rotspeed) + diry * cos(rotspeed);
      double oldplanex = planex;
      planex = planex * cos(rotspeed) - planey * sin(rotspeed);
      planey = oldplanex * sin(rotspeed) + planey * cos(rotspeed);
    }//end of if (k_left)


}//end of castray


//sort algorithm
void combsort(int* order, double* dist, int amount)
  int gap = amount;
  enum bool swapped = false;
  while(gap > 1 || swapped)
    //shrink factor 1.3
    gap = (gap * 10) / 13;
    if(gap == 9 || gap == 10) gap = 11;
    if (gap < 1) gap = 1;
    swapped = false;
    int i;
    (i = 0; < amount - gap; i++)
      int j = + gap;
      if (dist[i] < dist[j])
        double disttemp=dist[i];
        int ordertemp=order[i];
        swapped = true;
      }//end of if (dist[i] < dist[j])
    }//end of (i = 0; < amount - gap; i++)
  }//end of while(gap > 1 || swapped)
}//end of combsort

the sorce file can found here

i looked @ website , of source files.  , there more issues merely passing avariable.

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