Flash Math Error? Help!

everything going fine until got rediculus values rocket class.


the values meant be:
(importx(initial x value) = 100,importy(initial y value) = 50,xvel = 0,yvel = 0,yacc = 0);


but when debug game , fire rocket get:


rocket y = -107374182.4
rocket x = -107374182.4
yacc = nan


this crazy!!


actionscript code:
package {     import flash.display.*;     import flash.events.*;     public class redrocket extends sprite {         private var redexplosion:redexplosion = new redexplosion;         private var currentx:int;         private var currenty:int;         private var importx:int;         private var importy:int;                private var xvel:number;         private var yvel:number;         private var yacc:number;         public function redrocket(importx:int, importy:int, xvel:number, yvel:number, yacc:number) {              trace(yacc);              this.x = importx;              this.y = importy;              currentx= this.x;              currenty= this.y;             addeventlistener(event.enter_frame, onloop);             addeventlistener(mouseevent.mouse_down, destroy);         }         private function onloop(event:event):void {             this.x += xvel;             this.y+=yvel;             trace("rocket y = " + this.y);             trace("rocket x = " + this.x);             trace("rocket accel = " + yvel);             var radians:number=math.atan2(- yvel,- xvel);             this.rotation = (radians/math.pi)*180;             yvel+=yacc;                                     }             private function destroy(event:mouseevent):void {             addchild(redexplosion);             trace("boom");                         removeeventlistener(mouseevent.mouse_down, destroy);         }     } };

here's addchild code class gives values:


actionscript code:
redrocket = new redrocket(importx = 100,importy = 50,xvel = 2,yvel = -4,yacc = .1);             addchild(redrocket);

nothing crazy - have lot of mistakes in code.


first, instantiate class wrong. pass value pairs while have pass values this:


var redrocket:redrocket = new redrocket(100, 50, 2, -4, .1);


second, don't set values of class' variables in constructor.

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