Thread: Transfer Music Files to DVD
i plan on getting newer/larger hard drive.
music file 10gb, lossless,cd quality
dvd`s have memorex 4.7gb 16x
can drag each file on cd-dvd creator , burn it, or have open each file first?
read transferring music can cause loss of quality. true?
you can drag&drop whole folders brasero (or whatever burning app use.. ubuntu it's brasero, under applications->sound & video).
burning files not degrade quality, no idea got from.
thing happen there slight digital differences (somewhere 1 becomes 0 or vice-versa) while burning shouldn't hear that, , should occur if have bad/cheap dvd's.
wouldn't worry it, realize dvd's go bad age. if want keep them long time sure store them out of sunlight, away heat sources , dust-free.
brasero can check burnt copy btw, if paranoid enable option.
burn dvd , copy files 16gb memory stick, in case.
or borrow/buy external hdd , copy well... faster copying music![]()
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