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Thread: Trouble compiling SDLMAME

i'm running ubuntu 9.10 powerpc on ibook g4, , i'm trying install program called sdlmame on it.

assumed because i'm running on powerpc have compile myself. downloaded 9.10 version of it, put in usr/local/src , extracted it. extracted seperate folder named debian, i'm not sure if thats correct or not. i've installed libraries stated here :
sudo apt-get install build-essential libsdl1.2-dev libgtk2.0-dev libxinerama-dev libgconf2-dev
when run cd /usr/local/src , ./config error "no such file or directory found". when run make error "no targets specified , no makefile found" same thing when use /usr/local/src/debian or paste files debian src.

there i'm doing wrong?

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