Camera Calibration in ACR & DNG Profile Editor

i having hardest time figuring out how use camera profiles  generated dng profile editor in camera raw.

using photoshop cs4 in windows 7. have generated .dcp file  dng profile editor , saved in folder: program  files/adobe/photoshop cs4/presets/camera profiles.

far i've gotten. have not been able use this  profile in acr under camera calibration tab. have been lead to  believe show automatically. have not found video  tutorials related acr , installing camera profiles. seem  relate lightroom.


mrtcraig wrote:


i have generated .dcp file  dng profile editor , saved in folder: program  files/adobe/photoshop cs4/presets/camera profiles.


uh...i think need install them in \programdata\adobe\cameraraw\cameraprofiles or user/appdata/roaming/adobe/cameraraw/cameraprofiles

More discussions in Adobe Camera Raw



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