WHere did the Copyright symbol go in CS5?

this option has changed cs5.

how find characters can add copyright symbol in cs5?


for cs4 procedure:

to insert copyright symbol, ©, web page, following:


  1. move cursor place on web page want symbol  appear.

  2. select "insert | characters , symbols" menu. is, click  "insert" menu, , select "characters , symbols" item on menu appears.

  3. select "common symbols" radio box in dialog box appears, if  not selected. click down arrow box labelled "character:". drop down box appear, allowing to  select ©.

  4. once you've selected character want, click "insert" button.  finally, click "close" button.


i did search forums, google , @ teh dw faq, couldn't find option.

i figured out how make work.


select teh want appear , hold alt , type 0169 on numbers key pad. (alt+0169)


but how find character section add other characters?

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