arrayCollection sort compareFunction sometimes passes 3 parameters; sometimes 2

my sort comparefunction set this:


private var sort:sort = new sort();

sort.comparefunction = serverstatusarraysort;

sort.fields = null;
serverstatusarray.sort = sort;



private function serverstatusarraysort(obj1:object , obj2:object):int{
           return objectutil.stringcompare(obj1 string, obj2 string, true);


sometimes when call refresh, serverstatusarraysort function passed 3 parameters , other times passed 2. how can guarantee pass either 2 or 3?

your structure of sortfunction not proper...the structure of sortfunction this


function [name](a:object ,b:objec, fields:array=null):int


you find example of in link +sort+comparefunction+dates&source=bl&ots=hu_ibkqe_d&sig=psitgos96paf1o8i1ruh7nl2nla&hl=en &ei=6knpstsgeijkna3e8c8m&sa=x&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=9#v=onepage&q&f=false


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