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Thread: 10.4 Does not find (or remember) ethernet connection

i have installed previous version of ubuntu without many problems. pleased see 10.4 lts has been released, downloaded 32 bit .iso desktop computer, burned .iso cd-rom (with verification turned on), booted cd-rom , installed sata hdd had previous versions of ubuntu installed. selected same partitions , instructed installer format partitions using ext4. install seemed go largely ok except @ end got screen full of similar error messages , hang. had press power on button 4 seconds out of , rebooted. grub allowed me ubuntu system, however, can not access internet. eth0 not seem bound anything. have had windows send this.

else having trouble internet access part of installation?

in advance

kevington beare

seems fixed now.

Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [ubuntu] 10.4 Does not find (or remember) ethernet connection

