How do I format links? And where can I find easy help info?

how override blue color added when add hyperlink? (i found modify page properties/links drop-down remove underline, can't figure out how default original text color , show link during rollover, or add own formatting (e.g. strong) show link.


also - can tell me find comprehensive section dreamweaver cs5, can find answers questions link question? i've tried search, reference, features within dreamweaver, tutorials/faqs/forums on site (and i've been using tutorials great). can't find basic answers items reformatting links. help!!!

how style links not dreamweaver issue, guess knowledge of css running short here.

there plenty of info on web, google "styling links css" , you'll find lots of how-to's


your best option find might buy book. learned lot dreamweaver cs5: the  missing manual, first edition david sawyer mcfarland

i found   css: missing  manual, 2nd edition  same author maybe more useful, since focuses solely on css instead of on dreamweaver program details. check out too, or  buy them both, did. both excellent books, surely answer questions , learn how things right start.

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