A spread of two pages with an extra half page that will be folded?



i'm working on children's book made out of photographic images simple texts on top. size of every page 23 x 23 cm, 0,7 cm bleed on borders. means normal spread of 2 pages 47,4 cm x 24,4 cm.


now problem i'm confronting following:


there 2 spreads should have 11,5 cm "page" (included in spread) printed in such way child able fold , unfold it. (one spread backside of other one, division line of foldable area should coincide on both spreads, 1 on left of 1 spread, 1 on right of backside of spread). these 2 spreads made out of 2 23 x 23 cm pages, plus 11,5 cm page (the area folded or unfolded) + bleeds. question is: how create such spread in id? in other words, , unlike other spreads, there 1 division line in middle between 2 23 x 23 cm pages, need create spread 2 division lines: 1 between 2 23 cm pages, , 1 marks end of 1 of 2 23 cm pages , start of 11,5 cm page. so, altogether, seen in landscape view, have 1 spread is:


0,7 cm bleed + 23 cm page [division line] 23 cm page [division line] 11,5 cm foldable page + 0,7 cm bleed


and backside spread is:


0,7 cm bleed + 11,5 cm foldable page [division line] 23 cm page [division line] 23 cm page + 0,7 cm bleed


all of because need printer make sure folding line of 1 spread coincides folding line of reverse spread.


i hope explanation not confusing.


thanks lot help!



piece of cake in cs5. add page spread (disable allow pages shuffle) , use pages tool select page. change size in control panel.


earlier version? can't resize third page you'll have add cut marks , make sure printer aware of you're doing.



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